Champagne Punch Recipe | Yummy Food Recipes By, 2015-09-26 Champagne Punch Recipe | Yummy Food Recipes Try this Strawberry Champagne Punch that is more festive than a glass of champagne. It plays really well different flavors. Try it with strawberry flavor. Prep Time: 30min Cook time: 20min Ingredients: 1 canFrozen lemonade,1 canFrozen strawberry juice,1 small canPine apple juice frozen,1 bottleGinger ale, chilled,1 bottleChampagne, Instructions: Take a punch bowl and add the lemonade concentrate, strawberry juice, pineapple juice to it Mix them well and stir the ingredients with ginger ale Then add champagne to it at the end. Remember not to stir champagne The Strawberry Champagne is ready to refresh you. Serve it at a bridal shower and for sure everyone loves it. Add soda water and ice cubes before serving to your guest. Know what exactly Champagne is.

Champagne Punch Drink Recipe

Champagne Punch Drink Recipe

Try this simple Champagne Punch with carbonated water, ginger and frozen strawberries at home. It is an easy fruit punch drink and you can serve it at different parties.


  • 1 canFrozen lemonade
  • 1 canFrozen strawberry juice
  • 1 small canPine apple juice frozen
  • 1 bottleGinger ale, chilled
  • 1 bottleChampagne


  • Step1Take a punch bowl and add the lemonade concentrate, strawberry juice, pineapple juice to it
  • Step2Mix them well and stir the ingredients with ginger ale
  • Step3Then add champagne to it at the end. Remember not to stir champagne
  • Step4The Strawberry Champagne is ready to refresh you. Serve it at a bridal shower and for sure everyone loves it.

Add soda water and ice cubes before serving to your guest. Know what exactly Champagne is.

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